Undergraduate Teaching Assistant Fall 2022

Undergraduate Course, Washington State University, School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, 2022

CPT_S 121 Program Design and Development C/C++

Formulation of problems and top-down design of programs in a modern structured language (C/C++) for their solution on a digital computer.

  • Faculty: Professor Andrew O’Fallon
  • Guided 17 students in learning introductory programming and computer science concepts through leading weekly lab sessions and providing effective office hours support, nurturing their foundational understanding.
  • Enhanced student mastery of programming principles by offering comprehensive feedback and evaluation on assignments, projects, and coursework, elevating their learning outcomes.
  • Delivered clear instruction on programming languages, leveraging expertise in C/C++, and utilizing development environments like Visual Studio (Windows), Xcode, and CLion, ensuring a robust learning experience.